What is ecoSTEM?

Mayfair Lab is an academic magnet with a focus on environmental studies. We call this "ecoSTEM."
Through ecoSTEM, students explore current and future environmental problems and excites students about the possibilities while empowering them to be the change. We are dedicated to helping the environment in as many ways as we can as students explore ways to reduce environmental impact and cost, improve health and wellness, and increase sustainability of the environment.
2017 Louisiana Green Schools Challenge 2nd Place
2018 Louisiana Green Schools Challenge 2nd Place
2019 Louisiana Green Schools Challenge 2nd Place
2023 EBR Master Gardener Workshop Host Site​​
The ecoSTEM program consists of three components: rigorous curriculum, 4Cs of STEM, and annual environmental focus projects. ecoSTEM is embedded into every grade level, content, activity, club and event.
RIGOROUS CURRICULUM: Mayfair Lab utilizes consistent curriculum from kindergarten through middle school. The curricula are purposefully selected because they 1) are identified as Tier 1 by the Louisiana Department of Education and 2) provide challenging but doable instruction to promote critical thinking and problem solving.
Math - Eureka Math
ELA - Wit & Wisdom
Science - Amplify
Social Studies - Louisiana Grade Level Expectations
4Cs of STEM: The 4Cs of STEM are: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. The 4Cs of STEM are infused in every lesson, every day in every subject.
ANNUAL FOCUS PROJECTS: Each grade level focuses on a project that is based on a current problem or interest at Mayfair Lab. The projects are infused into the curriculum and allow students to apply academic concepts to real-life problem solving. (See an outline of this year's projects and partners in the graphic below.)
Want to know more? Contact the school at MayfairLab@ebrschools.org