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Mayfair Lab 8th Grade Class of 2020

Dear 8th grade class of 2020,

Whether your first day at Mayfair Lab was as a second grader or as an eighth grader, we have enjoyed your growth. You are prepared and ready for the next step in your educational journey, and we are so proud of you.

We wish we could have celebrated your accomplishments in person with balloons, cake, and all the cheers. However, we hope the special delivery to your homes let you know that we love and care for each of you!

Each of you are destined for greatness!!! As you move on to high school and whatever your future holds beyond then, we look forward to hearing from you from time to time. Let us know about your successes, and let us celebrate you all over again.

CONGRATULATIONS 8th Grade Class of 2020!!!!!


Your Mayfair Lab Faculty and Staff

** Shout out to Mrs. Crochet for organizing the sign delivery and for assembling the video montage.**


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