Upcoming Free Dress Days:
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023 - All students will take holiday pictures. (Proofs will be sent home for ordering.) Holiday attire is encouraged.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2023 - Let's wear free dress to celebrate our elementary volleyball champions and Mu Alpha Theta competition winners!!!
Hats or head apparel such as bandanas, and do-rags may not be worn.
T-shirts or other articles that display any type of violence, profane, or obscene languages are unacceptable.
Pants must be worn at the natural waist and shall not be excessively baggy nor sagging.
Closed toe shoes/sneakers with backs must be worn. (No sandals or slippers)
Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length.
Pants/jeans cannot have holes or rips. (This includes pants with patches behind the holes in the pant)
No jeggings/leggings may be worn as pants.
No low cut or excessively tight clothing may be worn.
If wearing tank tops/camisoles, they must be layered with a shirt/blouse on top of the camisole/tank top. (Shoulders/undergarments may not be exposed.)
If you are in doubt, DO NOT WEAR IT!
