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covid-19 closure

Due to state-wide school closures, Mayfair Lab is closed.  (See Proclamation from Gov. John Bel Edwards). Please continue to follow the local news and for updates from our school district officials.


Below are instructional resources for your use at home as you see fit.  (Please note that none of the activities are required activities and none of the work will be graded.) 


We look forward to being together again.  In the meantime, we hope you stay healthy and remember to wash your hands! See you soon, tiger cubs!

Distance Learning

Middle School

An agenda for the weekly assignments has been created to help smooth the transition to distance learning. All courses for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are in this one document.

Fifth Grade

All assignments for ELA, Math, Science, and SS are posted on the class website.  The website will updated at least weekly.

Fourth Grade

Assignments and links for ELA, Math, Science, and SS are posted on this weekly agenda.

Third Grade

Assignments and links for ELA, Math, Science, and SS are posted on this weekly agenda.

Second Grade

Assignments and links for ELA, Math, Science, and SS are posted on this weekly agenda.

First Grade

Assignments and links for ELA, Math, Science, and SS are posted on this weekly agenda.

Additional Resources

EBRSchools Resources

EBR Schools has prepared a list of resources for all grades and core subject areas. Resources are for all grade levels.

Louisiana Dept of Ed

LDOE has partnered with LPB to offer resources for learning at home. Resources are for all grade levels.

K-4 Guidance Resources

With links for read alouds, wesbites, and apps, Ms. Barber offers resources to support our students with social-emotional development, mindfulness, and coping skills for the Covid-19 situation.

5-8 Guidance Resources

Ms. Taplin offers links for various websites and resources to support our students with social-emotional development, mindfulness, and coping skills for the Covid-19 situation.

Reading Resources

We believe that at all grade levels, the best way to become a better reader is to spend time reading. 

We encourage students to read (or be read to) every day. 


Additional Reading Resources:

Free reading comprehension resources for K-12

7th and 8th graders may log in using their EBR usernames.

Scholastic Magazine has assembled learn-from-home resources to support families during school closures.  Many of our elementary classrooms use the Scholastic Magazine in instruction.  Plus, we just love Scholastic's resources in general!  This collection is for K-8th graders.

Reading & Math K-8

Mayfair Lab uses the Eureka Math and Wit & Wisdom curricula through Great Minds.  The curriculum writers are building resources for continuing the learning experiences with "knowledge on the go."

K-5 Math Resources

Most K-5 students already have logins for Zearn.  Zearn compliments the Eureka Math curriculum used at all grade levels and moves at your child's pace allowing them the extra practice or fast pace that they need.

6-8 Math Resources

Many 6-8 students already have logins for Khan Academy.  Khan Academy supports the 6th - 8th grade Eureka math instruction.


K-5 mini lessons are available at home as part of the school closure resources.  Additional grade levels and lessons are available with a parent log in.


Middle school students enrolled in Spanish as an elective can use their logins from class.


Assignments and links for ELA, Math, Science, and SS are posted on the grade level website.

Elementary Music

We miss you and look forward to all being together again!

Elementary PE

Coach Higgins suggests this video for guided fitness.

Mayfair Lab Speech

Ms. Brown has assembled a collection of resources to help students continue practicing speech instruction at home.

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© Copyright 2023 by

Mayfair Laboratory School

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Tel: 225-761-7849


9880 Hyacinth Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70810

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System and all of its entities (including Career and Technical Education Programs) does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, national origin, disability or gender in its educational programs and activities (including employment and application for employment), and it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender by Title IX (20 USC 168) and on the basis of disability by Section 504 (42 USC 794). The Title IX Coordinator is Andrew Davis (, Director of Risk Management – phone (225) 929-8705.  The Section 504 Coordinator is  Elizabeth Taylor Chapman (,  Director of Exceptional Student Services – phone (225) 929-8600.

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